To leave tastebuds uninspired is a culinary offense.
Sharing discoveries of deliciousness and avalanches of surprise, to me, makes perfect sense.
You ask me my credentials; you ask why me?
All I can say is that I’ve been obsessing about delectable treats since I was at least three.
My palate isn’t trained in any professional way.
But I love to eat, and I never miss a day.
Life has been kind, and life has been unbearably rough.
I know first-hand that love and support heal the soul and spirit when times are tough.
So I throw positivity toward the backroad kitchens and map dot spots.
This assumes that hospitality, lip-smacking moments, and insane potential are what they got.
I’m a self-proclaimed foodie from a tiny town.
But I’m not naive to exquisite food and what restaurants deserve the ‘must travel here’ crown.
I’m just a bird with a platform to help others fly.
If eating scrumdiddlyumptious bites of food is what it takes to help others, then I’ll give it a try.
Like Scooby in The Mystery Machine & Sherlock Holmes on the case,
I will not stop when the scent of discovery has me on my heels and the chase.
The truth of the matter and the qualification here,
Is that I’m obsessed with memory-making food and want to share culinary wonders with all who are near.
Thank you for your time, your interest, and your read.
I hope each of my POSITIVELY DELICIOUS postings is your next ‘must stop,’ and you follow my lead.