Food Reviews

Gilbert Station (Burkettsville, OH)

Would you like a spank or a love tap? 

If you plan to order a burger from my latest POSITIVELY DELICIOUS food blog stop, GILBERT STATION, you must answer this question.

From the MINI SPANK to the SPANK MY NOODLE, every burger is paired with ghost pepper cheese unless, as their menu says, you let them know that “wasss too hot” and you need to “tame it down a notch” with a “love tap,” which means no ghost pepper cheese, please. 

As someone who went all-in on the spank, I can tell you that ghost pepper cheese lives up to its hype. Spicy and unforgettable. Thank goodness for Gilbert Station’s drink selection or steam might have billowed out of my ears! It’s not often that I can try an ingredient like ghost pepper, so I was excited about the opportunity and surprised by how well it paired with my burger.

But their spanks and love tap burgers aren’t the only scrumptious items on their menu. From their GREEN BEAN FRIES to their HONEY MUSTARD CHIX CLUB to the TACO PIZZA to the TENDERLOIN to their PHILLY STEAK SUB to their GRILLED TILAPIA DINNER to their THREE-PIECE KIDS MEALS to their mouthwatering CHEESECAKES, Gilbert Station has an impressive variety of delectable goodies. 

Another remarkable thing about Gilbert Station is the variety offered within many of their options. For sandwiches, pick between Texas toast, a buttery pretzel bun, or classic bakery bun. For fries, choose classic or waffle cut. For the saucy ones out there, choose from nine flavors that range from MANGO HABANERO to SRIRACHA BOURBON to HONEY MUSTARD and nine salad dressings. Even their soda offers a choice, cans or fountain.

To be honest, when I arrived at Gilbert Station, I felt the need to double-check that they were open because, from the outside, it looked closed. Blame it on the sunshine making it hard to see into the windows. Blame it on the time of day I stopped and the lack of cars out front. Blame it on the outside’s ‘under construction’ look and the unlit fluorescent sign. Blame it on whatever you want, but the simple truth is, I would’ve kept driving had I not researched Gilbert Station before my arrival. Even after double-checking my phone, I hesitated at Gilbert Station’s door, not entirely confident it would open when I turned the handle. And even if it did open, I wasn’t sure what I’d find on the inside.

Am I glad I turned that doorknob!

I walked in to find a jukebox on the wall, strings of white lights hanging from the ceilings, beautiful wood tables, train station-inspired light fixtures, and hospitality through the roof. Gilbert Station is the epitome of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover,’ and I’m thankful I learned that truth a long time ago.

On this particular food blog outing, I brought my daughter. Not only is she an exceptional date, but also, sitting with a child is a great way to not look like a food blogger, and bringing a guest on my trip allows me to see how someone other than myself experiences the food and atmosphere. Summary: My daughter asks to return to Gilbert Station every day, and there’s no mystery as to why this is the case.  

Our waitress brought my daughter an activity-filled kids menu and a container of crayons immediately. She listened attentively as my daughter told her about school and everything else exciting her that day. The waitress went out of her way to make my daughter feel heard and welcomed, so much so that I had to remind my daughter that our wonderful waitress could not only talk to our table. And as a cherry on the already delicious experience, our waitress gave my daughter a ring pop on the way out the door. She didn’t know I was a food blogger. We didn’t ask for a ring pop. This incredible person just wanted to brighten my child’s day, and by doing just that, she brightened my day.

I believe strongly in the power of throwing love and support where it is appreciated and earned. And Gilbert Station not only will appreciate every bit of positivity that flies their way, they’ve earned it. I’ve kept my ear to the ground, as they say, and I’ve heard one person after another talk about the owners of Gilbert Station as humble and hardworking. 

So if you are up for an American-food culinary treasure hunt, travel to Burkettsville and visit Gilbert Station. Good people deserve good things. Great restaurants deserve great reviews. People chasing dreams deserve a chance to earn your respect and support. Gilbert Station deserves this spotlight, and its food, atmosphere, and service deserve your visit.

I’m incredibly proud of every backroad kitchen and map dot spot that dreams beyond their borders and is proud to create something beautiful and inspiring within them.

I never graced Burkettsville before I visited Gilbert Station, and now, I can’t wait to go back!

4 replies on “Gilbert Station (Burkettsville, OH)”

Wow, I remember that sleepy little bar in that sleepy little town, had it not been for the bar next door no one would have known where Burkettsville was,(but I sure did, had a lot of good times at the old WW) this place looks impressive, for once a sports bar or casual eatery that looks like someone spent more than 5 minutes on their menu, tired of the basic 2 or 3 choices, burgers & fries, chicken wings and maybe pizza, and restaurant owners, know that your patrons espescially your regulars appreciate something new on the menu from time to time, and the beer on tap, great call, nothing beats a cold draft beer with your meal. I definitely plan to visit soon.

Hi, Jeff!

I’m glad the review is pulling your eyes and your tastebuds in their direction. Their menu is clever, their food is delicious, and their hearts are extremely full. Thank you for such a thoughtful comment.

Enjoy your road trip to Gilbert Station!

Originally from Selma, Indiana, now living in Gaston, Indiana, I am no stranger to the small town and the small town restaurants. My first job in fact, was at our own small town restaurant Fannie’s Cafe in Selma, which unfortunately has gone by the wayside. Gilbert Station is everything you speak of and more. From roughly October through April, in addition to the mouthwatering menu owner Chris Seifring and his crew offer, the last Saturday of those months, he puts on his Prime Rib Saturday night. Chris does the slow roasting himself over the course of those Saturdays, and at the main event, which begins at 5 pm by reservation only, he will be found, still there, cooking up his delectable offerings. In addition, he takes time out to step out and walk through his dining room speaking to the people that make it all possible for him, and even serving slices of those amazing cheesecakes you spoke of to his favored regulars. From my 4 year old granddaughter to my 75 year old dad, everyone is welcomed with open arms, a friendly smile, and a desire to please and satisfy through a full belly. I cannot say enough good things about Gilbert Station, and will continue to make the hour and 10 minute drive to bask in the heaven that is their food at every opportunity I can.

Hi, Heather!

Not only do I thank you for such a thoughtful comment, but I’m sure Gilbert Station does too. Your testimonial for not only the restaurant but also the owner made me incredibly proud to have thrown love and support their way. I’m glad you think they’re worth the drive too!

Love yourself & others,

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